Martial arts are not endurance sports. The training usually consists of short, but intense stresses. This also corresponds to the conditions in a real self-defense situation. A real-life attack in the street rarely takes more than a few minutes. Even though the time might feel much longer. The defender therefore does not have to keep up for long, but should use his power quickly and purposefully. Nevertheless, also for enthusiasts of combat sports and self-defense it is important to have a certain basic endurance. This can be built up very well by consistent running training.
What is the best running training for me?
Basically one can distinguish two training methods: the endurance method and the interval method. Those who use the endurance method run with a constant, relatively low speed for quite a long time. Most joggers train this way. Over time, the body gets used to the exercise. The cardiovascular performance improves. In doing so, body fat is burned. The organism develops a higher resistance to fatigue. And it learns to use the energy stored in the blood more effectively.
However, in combat sports, as mentioned earlier, we need rather speed strength than endurance. Therefore, many athletes rely on interval training. With this method, intensive stress alternates with low intensity training. For example, you can start with jogging and switch to sprint, then return to the slower speed for a few minutes. From the jogging you switch back to sprint. The training plan should be adapted to suit your individual abilities, needs and goals. Those who train in this way improve, among other things, the short-term recovery capacity of the body.
Jogging or sprint - find your individual dimension
Not every recreational athlete wants to impose strict rules onto themself. It is also possible to combine both types of training spontaneously, according to the physical feeling of the day. After the warm-up phase, longer jogging passages alternate with sprints. As a target point you can use, for example, a specific tree or a street corner. This method is usually referred to as a fartlek. Hills, bridges or stairs provide opportunities for intense phases. If you run off the trail for a while in the forest you can improve your general coordination. This is also important in combat sports.
Ultimately, there is no perfect method that suits everyone. Each athlete has to decide which goals they want to achieve. A constant and consistent running training improves not only the physical endurance. Also a mental ability is improved: discipline. If you’re able to take control of your own life you’ll also be successful in martial arts training. And in self-defense, not every fight can and must be won. If you’re smart and want to save your life – you will decide to run for it in some situations.
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